API reference
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta1 API group
Resource Types:
TemporalCluster defines a temporal cluster deployment.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec TemporalClusterSpec |
Specification of the desired behavior of the Temporal cluster.
status TemporalClusterStatus |
Most recent observed status of the Temporal cluster. |
(Appears on: ClusterArchivalSpec)
ArchivalProvider contains the config for archivers.
Field | Description |
filestore FilestoreArchiver |
(Optional) |
s3 S3Archiver |
(Optional) |
gcs GCSArchiver |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: ClusterArchivalSpec, TemporalNamespaceArchivalSpec)
ArchivalSpec is the archival configuration for a particular persistence type (history or visibility).
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the archival is enabled by default for all namespaces or for a particular namespace (depends if it’s for a TemporalCluster or a TemporalNamespace). |
paused bool |
Paused defines if the archival is paused. |
enableRead bool |
EnableRead allows temporal to read from the archived Event History. |
path string |
Path is … |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
AuthorizationSpec defines the specifications for authorization in the temporal cluster. It contains fields that configure how JWT tokens are validated, how permissions are managed, and how claims are mapped.
Field | Description |
jwtKeyProvider AuthorizationSpecJWTKeyProvider |
JWTKeyProvider specifies the signing key provider used for validating JWT tokens. |
permissionsClaimName string |
PermissionsClaimName is the name of the claim within the JWT token that contains the user’s permissions. |
authorizer string |
Authorizer defines the authorization mechanism to be used. It can be left as an empty string to use a no-operation authorizer (noopAuthorizer), or set to “default” to use the temporal’s default authorizer (defaultAuthorizer). |
claimMapper string |
ClaimMapper specifies the claim mapping mechanism used for handling JWT claims. Similar to the Authorizer, it can be left as an empty string to use a no-operation claim mapper (noopClaimMapper), or set to “default” to use the default JWT claim mapper (defaultJWTClaimMapper). |
(Appears on: AuthorizationSpec)
AuthorizationSpecJWTKeyProvider defines the configuration for a JWT key provider within the AuthorizationSpec. It specifies where to source the JWT keys from and how often they should be refreshed.
Field | Description |
keySourceURIs []string |
KeySourceURIs is a list of URIs where the JWT signing keys can be obtained. These URIs are used by the authorization system to fetch the public keys necessary for validating JWT tokens. |
refreshInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RefreshInterval defines the time interval at which temporal should refresh the JWT signing keys from the specified URIs. |
(Appears on: CassandraSpec)
CassandraConsistencySpec sets the consistency level for regular & serial queries to Cassandra.
Field | Description |
consistency github.com/gocql/gocql.Consistency |
Consistency sets the default consistency level. Values identical to gocql Consistency values. (defaults to LOCAL_QUORUM if not set). |
serialConsistency github.com/gocql/gocql.SerialConsistency |
SerialConsistency sets the consistency for the serial prtion of queries. Values identical to gocql SerialConsistency values. (defaults to LOCAL_SERIAL if not set) |
(Appears on: DatastoreSpec)
CassandraSpec contains cassandra datastore connections specifications.
Field | Description |
hosts []string |
Hosts is a list of cassandra endpoints. |
port int |
Port is the cassandra port used for connection by gocql client. |
user string |
User is the cassandra user used for authentication by gocql client. |
keyspace string |
Keyspace is the cassandra keyspace. |
datacenter string |
Datacenter is the data center filter arg for cassandra. |
maxConns int |
MaxConns is the max number of connections to this datastore for a single keyspace. |
connectTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
ConnectTimeout is a timeout for initial dial to cassandra server. |
consistency CassandraConsistencySpec |
Consistency configuration. |
disableInitialHostLookup bool |
DisableInitialHostLookup instructs the gocql client to connect only using the supplied hosts. |
(Appears on: MTLSSpec)
CertificatesDurationSpec defines parameters for the temporal mTLS certificates duration.
Field | Description |
rootCACertificate Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RootCACertificate is the ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the Root CA Certificate. It defaults to 10 years. |
intermediateCAsCertificates Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
IntermediateCACertificates is the ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the intermediate CAs Certificates. It defaults to 5 years. |
clientCertificates Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
ClientCertificates is the ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the client certificates. It defaults to 1 year. |
frontendCertificate Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
FrontendCertificate is the ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the frontend certificate. It defaults to 1 year. |
internodeCertificate Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
InternodeCertificate is the ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the internode certificate. It defaults to 1 year. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
ClusterArchivalSpec is the configuration for cluster-wide archival config.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the archival is enabled for the cluster. |
provider ArchivalProvider |
Provider defines the archival provider for the cluster. The same provider is used for both history and visibility, but some config can be changed using spec.archival.[history|visibility].config. |
history ArchivalSpec |
History is the default config for the history archival. |
visibility ArchivalSpec |
Visibility is the default config for visibility archival. |
(Appears on: DynamicConfigSpec)
ConstrainedValue is an alias for temporal’s dynamicconfig.ConstrainedValue.
Field | Description |
constraints Constraints |
Constraints describe under what conditions a ConstrainedValue should be used. |
value k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Value is the value for the configuration key. The type of the Value field depends on the key. Acceptable types will be one of: int, float64, bool, string, map[string]any, time.Duration |
(Appears on: ConstrainedValue)
Constraints is an alias for temporal’s dynamicconfig.Constraints. It describes under what conditions a ConstrainedValue should be used.
Field | Description |
namespace string |
(Optional) |
namespaceId string |
(Optional) |
taskQueueName string |
(Optional) |
taskQueueType string |
(Optional) |
shardId int32 |
(Optional) |
taskType string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: TemporalPersistenceSpec)
DatastoreSpec contains temporal datastore specifications.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the datastore. It should be unique and will be referenced within the persistence spec. Defaults to “default” for default sore, “visibility” for visibility store, “secondaryVisibility” for secondary visibility store and “advancedVisibility” for advanced visibility store. |
sql SQLSpec |
SQL holds all connection parameters for SQL datastores. |
elasticsearch ElasticsearchSpec |
Elasticsearch holds all connection parameters for Elasticsearch datastores. |
cassandra CassandraSpec |
Cassandra holds all connection parameters for Cassandra datastore. Note that cassandra is now deprecated for visibility store. |
passwordSecretRef SecretKeyReference |
PasswordSecret is the reference to the secret holding the password. |
tls DatastoreTLSSpec |
TLS is an optional option to connect to the datastore using TLS. |
skipCreate bool |
SkipCreate instructs the operator to skip creating the database for SQL datastores or to skip creating keyspace for Cassandra. Use this option if your database or keyspace has already been provisioned by an administrator. |
(Appears on: TemporalPersistenceStatus)
DatastoreStatus contains the current status of a datastore.
Field | Description |
created bool |
Created indicates if the database or keyspace has been created. |
setup bool |
Setup indicates if tables have been set up. |
type DatastoreType |
Type indicates the datastore type. |
schemaVersion github.com/alexandrevilain/temporal-operator/pkg/version.Version |
SchemaVersion report the current schema version. |
(Appears on: DatastoreSpec)
DatastoreTLSSpec contains datastore TLS connections specifications.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the cluster should use a TLS connection to connect to the datastore. |
certFileRef SecretKeyReference |
CertFileRef is a reference to a secret containing the cert file. |
keyFileRef SecretKeyReference |
KeyFileRef is a reference to a secret containing the key file. |
caFileRef SecretKeyReference |
CaFileRef is a reference to a secret containing the ca file. |
enableHostVerification bool |
EnableHostVerification defines if the hostname should be verified when connecting to the datastore. |
serverName string |
ServerName the datastore should present. |
(Appears on: DatastoreStatus)
(Appears on: ServiceSpecOverride)
DeploymentOverride provides the ability to override a Deployment.
Field | Description |
metadata ObjectMetaOverride |
spec DeploymentOverrideSpec |
Specification of the desired behavior of the Deployment. |
(Appears on: DeploymentOverride)
DeploymentOverrideSpec provides the ability to override a Deployment Spec. It’s a subset of fields included in k8s.io/api/apps/v1.DeploymentSpec.
Field | Description |
template PodTemplateSpecOverride |
Template describes the pods that will be created. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
DynamicConfigSpec is the configuration for temporal dynamic config.
Field | Description |
pollInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
PollInterval defines how often the config should be updated by checking provided values. Defaults to 10s. |
values map[string][]./api/v1beta1.ConstrainedValue |
Values contains all dynamic config keys and their constrained values. |
(Appears on: ElasticsearchSpec)
ElasticsearchIndices holds index names.
Field | Description |
visibility string |
Visibility defines visibility’s index name. |
secondaryVisibility string |
SecondaryVisibility defines secondary visibility’s index name. |
(Appears on: DatastoreSpec)
ElasticsearchSpec contains Elasticsearch datastore connections specifications.
Field | Description |
version string |
Version defines the elasticsearch version. |
url string |
URL is the connection url to connect to the instance. |
username string |
Username is the username to be used for the connection. |
indices ElasticsearchIndices |
Indices holds visibility index names. |
logLevel string |
LogLevel defines the temporal cluster’s es client logger level. |
closeIdleConnectionsInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
CloseIdleConnectionsInterval is the max duration a connection stay open while idle. |
enableSniff bool |
EnableSniff enables or disables sniffer on the temporal cluster’s es client. |
enableHealthcheck bool |
EnableHealthcheck enables or disables healthcheck on the temporal cluster’s es client. |
(Appears on: ArchivalProvider)
FilestoreArchiver is the file store archival provider configuration.
Field | Description |
filePermissions string |
FilePermissions sets the file permissions of the archived files. It’s recommend to leave it empty and use the default value of “0666” to avoid read/write issues. |
dirPermissions string |
DirPermissions sets the directory permissions of the archive directory. It’s recommend to leave it empty and use the default value of “0766” to avoid read/write issues. |
(Appears on: MTLSSpec)
FrontendMTLSSpec defines parameters for the temporal encryption in transit with mTLS.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should enable mTLS for cluster’s public endpoints. |
extraDnsNames []string |
ExtraDNSNames is a list of additional DNS names associated with the TemporalCluster. These DNS names can be used for accessing the TemporalCluster from external services. The DNS names specified here will be added to the TLS certificate for secure communication. |
(Appears on: ArchivalProvider)
GCSArchiver is the GCS archival provider configuration.
Field | Description |
credentialsRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
SecretAccessKeyRef is the secret key selector containing Google Cloud Storage credentials file. |
(Appears on: ServicesSpec)
InternalFrontendServiceSpec contains temporal internal frontend service specifications.
Field | Description |
ServiceSpec ServiceSpec |
(Members of |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if we want to spawn the internal frontend service. |
(Appears on: MTLSSpec)
InternodeMTLSSpec defines parameters for the temporal encryption in transit with mTLS.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should enable mTLS for network between cluster nodes. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
LogSpec contains the temporal logging configuration.
Field | Description |
stdout bool |
Stdout is true if the output needs to goto standard out; default is stderr. |
level string |
Level is the desired log level; see colocated zap_logger.go::parseZapLevel() |
outputFile string |
OutputFile is the path to the log output file. |
format string |
Format determines the format of each log file printed to the output. Use “console” if you want stack traces to appear on multiple lines. |
development bool |
Development determines whether the logger is run in Development (== Test) or in Production mode. Default is Production. Production-stage disables panics from DPanic logging. |
(Appears on: MTLSSpec)
MTLSProvider is the enum for support mTLS provider.
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
MTLSSpec defines parameters for the temporal encryption in transit with mTLS.
Field | Description |
provider MTLSProvider |
Provider defines the tool used to manage mTLS certificates. |
internode InternodeMTLSSpec |
Internode allows configuration of the internode traffic encryption. Useless if mTLS provider is not cert-manager. |
frontend FrontendMTLSSpec |
Frontend allows configuration of the frontend’s public endpoint traffic encryption. Useless if mTLS provider is not cert-manager. |
certificatesDuration CertificatesDurationSpec |
CertificatesDuration allows configuration of maximum certificates lifetime. Useless if mTLS provider is not cert-manager. |
refreshInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RefreshInterval defines interval between refreshes of certificates in the cluster components. Defaults to 1 hour. Useless if mTLS provider is not cert-manager. |
renewBefore Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RenewBefore is defines how long before the currently issued certificate’s expiry cert-manager should renew the certificate. The default is 2⁄3 of the issued certificate’s duration. Minimum accepted value is 5 minutes. Useless if mTLS provider is not cert-manager. |
permissiveMetrics bool |
PermissiveMetrics allows insecure HTTP requests to the metrics endpoint. This is handy if the metrics collector does not support mTLS. Useless if mTLS provider is not istio |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
MetricsSpec determines parameters for configuring metrics endpoints.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should enable metrics exposition on temporal components. |
excludeTags map[string][]string |
ExcludeTags is a map from tag name string to tag values string list. Each value present in keys will have relevant tag value replaced with “_tagexcluded” Each value in values list will white-list tag values to be reported as usual. |
perUnitHistogramBoundaries map[string][]string |
PerUnitHistogramBoundaries defines the default histogram bucket boundaries. Configuration of histogram boundaries for given metric unit. Supported values: - “dimensionless” - “milliseconds” - “bytes” |
prefix string |
Prefix sets the prefix to all outgoing metrics |
prometheus PrometheusSpec |
Prometheus reporter configuration. |
(Appears on: DeploymentOverride, PodTemplateSpecOverride, TemporalUISpec)
ObjectMetaOverride provides the ability to override an object metadata. It’s a subset of the fields included in k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.ObjectMeta.
Field | Description |
labels map[string]string |
Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterClientSpec, TemporalNamespaceSpec, TemporalScheduleSpec)
ObjectReference is a reference to a object.
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the temporal object to reference. |
namespace string |
The namespace of the temporal object to reference. Defaults to the namespace of the requested resource if omitted. |
(Appears on: DeploymentOverrideSpec)
PodTemplateSpecOverride provides the ability to override a pod template spec. It’s a subset of the fields included in k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodTemplateSpec.
Field | Description |
metadata ObjectMetaOverride |
spec k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. |
(Appears on: PrometheusSpec)
PrometheusScrapeConfig is the configuration for making prometheus scrape components metrics.
Field | Description |
annotations bool |
Annotations defines if the operator should add prometheus scrape annotations to the services pods. |
serviceMonitor PrometheusScrapeConfigServiceMonitor |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: PrometheusScrapeConfig)
PrometheusScrapeConfigServiceMonitor is the configuration for prometheus operator ServiceMonitor.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should create a ServiceMonitor for each services. |
labels map[string]string |
Labels adds extra labels to the ServiceMonitor. |
override github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/pkg/apis/monitoring/v1.ServiceMonitorSpec |
Override allows customization of the created ServiceMonitor. All fields can be overwritten except “endpoints”, “selector” and “namespaceSelector”. |
metricRelabelings []github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/pkg/apis/monitoring/v1.RelabelConfig |
MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion. |
(Appears on: MetricsSpec)
PrometheusSpec is the configuration for prometheus reporter.
Field | Description |
listenAddress string |
Deprecated. Address for prometheus to serve metrics from. |
listenPort int32 |
ListenPort for prometheus to serve metrics from. |
scrapeConfig PrometheusScrapeConfig |
ScrapeConfig is the prometheus scrape configuration. |
(Appears on: ScheduleWorkflowAction)
RetryPolicy defines how retries ought to be handled, usable by both workflows and activities.
Field | Description |
initialInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Interval of the first retry. If retryBackoffCoefficient is 1.0 then it is used for all retries. |
backoffCoefficient k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity |
Coefficient used to calculate the next retry interval. The next retry interval is previous interval multiplied by the coefficient. Must be 1 or larger. |
maximumInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Maximum interval between retries. Exponential backoff leads to interval increase. This value is the cap of the increase. Default is 100x of the initial interval. |
maximumAttempts int32 |
Maximum number of attempts. When exceeded the retries stop even if not expired yet. 1 disables retries. 0 means unlimited (up to the timeouts). |
nonRetryableErrorTypes []string |
Non-Retryable errors types. Will stop retrying if the error type matches this list. Note that this is not a substring match, the error type (not message) must match exactly. |
(Appears on: ArchivalProvider)
S3Archiver is the S3 archival provider configuration.
Field | Description |
region string |
Region is the aws s3 region. |
endpoint string |
Use Endpoint if you want to use s3-compatible object storage. |
roleName string |
Use RoleName if you want the temporal service account to assume an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. |
credentials S3Credentials |
Use credentials if you want to use aws credentials from secret. |
s3ForcePathStyle bool |
Use s3ForcePathStyle if you want to use s3 path style. |
(Appears on: S3Archiver)
Field | Description |
accessKeyIdRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
AccessKeyIDRef is the secret key selector containing AWS access key ID. |
secretKeyRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
SecretAccessKeyRef is the secret key selector containing AWS secret access key. |
(Appears on: DatastoreSpec)
SQLSpec contains SQL datastore connections specifications.
Field | Description |
user string |
User is the username to be used for the connection. |
pluginName string |
PluginName is the name of SQL plugin. |
databaseName string |
DatabaseName is the name of SQL database to connect to. |
connectAddr string |
ConnectAddr is the remote addr of the database. |
connectProtocol string |
ConnectProtocol is the protocol that goes with the ConnectAddr. |
connectAttributes map[string]string |
ConnectAttributes is a set of key-value attributes to be sent as part of connect data_source_name url |
maxConns int |
MaxConns the max number of connections to this datastore. |
maxIdleConns int |
MaxIdleConns is the max number of idle connections to this datastore. |
maxConnLifetime Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
MaxConnLifetime is the maximum time a connection can be alive |
taskScanPartitions int |
TaskScanPartitions is the number of partitions to sequentially scan during ListTaskQueue operations. |
gcpServiceAccount string |
GCPServiceAccount is the service account to use to authenticate with GCP CloudSQL. |
(Appears on: TemporalScheduleSpec)
Schedule contains all fields related to a schedule.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
action ScheduleAction |
spec ScheduleSpec |
policy SchedulePolicies |
state ScheduleState |
(Appears on: Schedule)
ScheduleAction contains the actions that the schedule should perform.
Field | Description |
workflow ScheduleWorkflowAction |
(Appears on: ScheduleSpec)
ScheduleCalendarSpec is an event specification relative to the calendar, similar to a traditional cron specification. A timestamp matches if at least one range of each field matches the corresponding fields of the timestamp, except for year: if year is missing, that means all years match. For all fields besides year, at least one Range must be present to match anything.
Field | Description |
second []ScheduleSecondMinuteRange |
Second range to match (0-59). Defaults to 0. |
minute []ScheduleSecondMinuteRange |
Minute range to match (0-59). Defaults to 0. |
hour []ScheduleHourRange |
Hour range to match (0-23). Defaults to 0. |
dayOfMonth []ScheduleDayOfMonthRange |
DayOfMonth range to match (1-31) Defaults to match all days. |
month []ScheduleMonthRange |
Month range to match (1-12). Defaults to match all months. |
year []ScheduleYearRange |
Year range to match. Defaults to match all years. |
dayOfWeek []ScheduleDayOfWeekRange |
DayOfWeek range to match (0-6; 0 is Sunday) Defaults to match all days of the week. |
comment string |
Comment describes the intention of this schedule. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). Defaults to 1. |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). Defaults to 0. |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). Defaults to 0. |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: ScheduleSpec)
ScheduleIntervalSpec matches times that can be expressed as:
Epoch + (n * every) + offset
where n is all integers ≥ 0.
For example, an every
of 1 hour with offset
of zero would match every hour, on the hour. The same every
but an offset
of 19 minutes would match every xx:19:00
. An every
of 28 days with offset
zero would match 2022-02-17T00:00:00Z
(among other times). The same every
with offset
of 3 days, 5 hours, and 23 minutes would match 2022-02-20T05:23:00Z
Field | Description |
every Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Every describes the period to repeat the interval. |
offset Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Offset is a fixed offset added to the intervals period. Defaults to 0. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). Defaults to 1. |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: SchedulePolicies)
Overlap controls what happens when an Action would be started by a Schedule at the same time that an older Action is still running.
Supported values:
“skip” - Default. Nothing happens; the Workflow Execution is not started.
“bufferOne” - Starts the Workflow Execution as soon as the current one completes. The buffer is limited to one. If another Workflow Execution is supposed to start, but one is already in the buffer, only the one in the buffer eventually starts.
“bufferAll” - Allows an unlimited number of Workflows to buffer. They are started sequentially.
“cancelOther” - Cancels the running Workflow Execution, and then starts the new one after the old one completes cancellation.
“terminateOther” - Terminates the running Workflow Execution and starts the new one immediately.
“allowAll” - Starts any number of concurrent Workflow Executions. With this policy (and only this policy), more than one Workflow Execution, started by the Schedule, can run simultaneously.
(Appears on: Schedule)
SchedulePolicies represent policies for overlaps, catchups, pause on failure, and workflow ID.
Field | Description |
overlap ScheduleOverlapPolicy |
(Optional) |
catchupWindow Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
CatchupWindow The Temporal Server might be down or unavailable at the time when a Schedule should take an Action. When the Server comes back up, CatchupWindow controls which missed Actions should be taken at that point. |
pauseOnFailure bool |
PauseOnFailure if true, and a workflow run fails or times out, turn on “paused”. This applies after retry policies: the full chain of retries must fail to trigger a pause here. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). Defaults to 0. |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: Schedule)
ScheduleSpec is a complete description of a set of absolute timestamps.
Field | Description |
calendars []ScheduleCalendarSpec |
Calendars represents calendar-based specifications of times. |
intervals []ScheduleIntervalSpec |
Intervals represents interval-based specifications of times. |
crons []string |
Crons are cron based specifications of times. Crons is provided for easy migration from legacy Cron Workflows. For new use cases, we recommend using ScheduleSpec.Calendars or ScheduleSpec. Intervals for readability and maintainability. Once a schedule is created all expressions in Crons will be translated to ScheduleSpec.Calendars on the server. For example, The string can have 5, 6, or 7 fields, separated by spaces, and they are interpreted in the same way as a ScheduleCalendarSpec:
- If Year is not given, it defaults to *.
- If Second is not given, it defaults to 0.
- Shorthands @yearly, @monthly, @weekly, @daily, and @hourly are also
accepted instead of the 5-7 time fields.
- @every |
excludeCalendars []ScheduleCalendarSpec |
ExcludeCalendars defines any matching times that will be skipped. All fields of the ScheduleCalendarSpec including seconds must match a time for the time to be skipped. |
startAt Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
StartAt represents the start of the schedule. Any times before |
endAt Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
EndAt represents the end of the schedule. Any times after |
jitter Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Jitter represents a duration that is used to apply a jitter to scheduled times. All times will be incremented by a random value from 0 to this amount of jitter, capped by the time until the next schedule. Defaults to 0. |
timezoneName string |
TimeZoneName represents the IANA time zone name, for example The definition will be loaded by Temporal Server from the environment it runs in. Calendar spec matching is based on literal matching of the clock time with no special handling of DST: if you write a calendar spec that fires at 2:30am and specify a time zone that follows DST, that action will not be triggered on the day that has no 2:30am. Similarly, an action that fires at 1:30am will be triggered twice on the day that has two 1:30s. Note: No actions are taken on leap-seconds (e.g. 23:59:60 UTC). Defaults to UTC. |
(Appears on: Schedule)
ScheduleState describes the current state of a schedule.
Field | Description |
notes string |
Note is an informative human-readable message with contextual notes, e.g. the reason a Schedule is paused. The system may overwrite this message on certain conditions, e.g. when pause-on-failure happens. |
paused bool |
Paused is true if the schedule is paused. |
limitedActions bool |
LimitedActions limits actions. While true RemainingActions will be decremented for each action taken. Skipped actions (due to overlap policy) do not count against remaining actions. |
remainingActions int64 |
RemainingActions represents the Actions remaining in this Schedule. Once this number hits 0, no further Actions are taken. manual actions through backfill or ScheduleHandle.Trigger still run. |
(Appears on: ScheduleAction)
ScheduleWorkflowAction describes a workflow to launch.
Field | Description |
id string |
WorkflowID represents the business identifier of the workflow execution. The WorkflowID of the started workflow may not match this exactly, it may have a timestamp appended for uniqueness. Defaults to a uuid. |
type string |
WorkflowType represents the identifier used by a workflow author to define the workflow Workflow type name. |
taskQueue string |
TaskQueue represents a workflow task queue. This is also the name of the activity task queue on which activities are scheduled. |
inputs k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Inputs contains arguments to pass to the workflow. |
executionTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
WorkflowExecutionTimeout is the timeout for duration of workflow execution. |
runTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
WorkflowRunTimeout is the timeout for duration of a single workflow run. |
taskTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
WorkflowTaskTimeout is The timeout for processing workflow task from the time the worker pulled this task. |
retryPolicy RetryPolicy |
RetryPolicy is the retry policy for the workflow. If a retry policy is specified, in case of workflow failure server will start new workflow execution if needed based on the retry policy. |
memo k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Memo is optional non-indexed info that will be shown in list workflow. |
searchAttributes k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
SearchAttributes is optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs. The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side. For supported operations on different server versions see Visibility. |
(Appears on: ScheduleCalendarSpec)
If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. This means you can use a Range with start set to a value, and end and step unset to represent a single value.
Field | Description |
start int32 |
Start of the range (inclusive). |
end int32 |
End of the range (inclusive). Defaults to start. |
step int32 |
Step to be take between each value. Defaults to 1. |
(Appears on: DatastoreSpec, DatastoreTLSSpec)
SecretKeyReference contains enough information to locate the referenced Kubernetes Secret object in the same namespace.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name of the Secret. |
key string |
Key in the Secret. |
(Appears on: InternalFrontendServiceSpec, ServicesSpec)
ServiceSpec contains a temporal service specifications.
Field | Description |
port int32 |
Port defines a custom gRPC port for the service. Default values are: 7233 for Frontend service 7234 for History service 7235 for Matching service 7239 for Worker service |
membershipPort int32 |
MembershipPort defines a custom membership port for the service. Default values are: 6933 for Frontend service 6934 for History service 6935 for Matching service 6939 for Worker service |
httpPort int32 |
HTTPPort defines a custom http port for the service. Default values are: 7243 for Frontend service |
replicas int32 |
Number of desired replicas for the service. Default to 1. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Compute Resources required by this service. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ |
overrides ServiceSpecOverride |
Overrides adds some overrides to the resources deployed for the service. Those overrides takes precedence over spec.services.overrides. |
initContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
InitContainers adds a list of init containers to the service’s deployment. |
(Appears on: ServiceSpec, ServicesSpec, TemporalAdminToolsSpec, TemporalUISpec)
ServiceSpecOverride provides the ability to override the generated manifests of a temporal service.
Field | Description |
deployment DeploymentOverride |
Override configuration for the temporal service Deployment. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterStatus)
ServiceStatus reports a service status.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name of the temporal service. |
version string |
Current observed version of the service. |
ready bool |
Ready defines if the service is ready. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
ServicesSpec contains all temporal services specifications.
Field | Description |
frontend ServiceSpec |
Frontend service custom specifications. |
internalFrontend InternalFrontendServiceSpec |
Internal Frontend service custom specifications. Only compatible with temporal >= 1.20.0 |
history ServiceSpec |
History service custom specifications. |
matching ServiceSpec |
Matching service custom specifications. |
worker ServiceSpec |
Worker service custom specifications. |
overrides ServiceSpecOverride |
Overrides adds some overrides to the resources deployed for all temporal services services.
Those overrides can be customized per service using spec.services. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
TemporalAdminToolsSpec defines parameters for the temporal admin tools within a Temporal cluster deployment. Note that deployed admin tools version is the same as the cluster’s version.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should deploy the admin tools alongside the cluster. |
image string |
Image defines the temporal admin tools docker image the instance should run. |
version string |
Version defines the temporal admin tools version the instance should run. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Compute Resources required by the ui. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ |
overrides ServiceSpecOverride |
Overrides adds some overrides to the resources deployed for the ui. |
A TemporalClusterClient creates a new mTLS client in the targeted temporal cluster.
Field | Description | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec TemporalClusterClientSpec |
status TemporalClusterClientStatus |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterClient)
TemporalClusterClientSpec defines the desired state of ClusterClient.
Field | Description |
clusterRef ObjectReference |
Reference to the temporal cluster the client will get access to. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterClient)
TemporalClusterClientStatus defines the observed state of ClusterClient.
Field | Description |
serverName string |
ServerName is the hostname returned by the certificate. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
Reference to the Kubernetes Secret containing the certificate for the client. |
(Appears on: TemporalCluster)
TemporalClusterSpec defines the desired state of Cluster.
Field | Description |
image string |
Image defines the temporal server docker image the cluster should use for each services. |
version github.com/alexandrevilain/temporal-operator/pkg/version.Version |
Version defines the temporal version the cluster to be deployed. This version impacts the underlying persistence schemas versions. |
log LogSpec |
Log defines temporal cluster’s logger configuration. |
jobTtlSecondsAfterFinished int32 |
JobTTLSecondsAfterFinished is amount of time to keep job pods after jobs are completed. Defaults to 300 seconds. |
jobResources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
JobResources allows set resources for setup/update jobs. |
jobInitContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
JobInitContainers adds a list of init containers to the setup’s jobs. |
numHistoryShards int32 |
NumHistoryShards is the desired number of history shards. This field is immutable. |
services ServicesSpec |
Services allows customizations for each temporal services deployment. |
persistence TemporalPersistenceSpec |
Persistence defines temporal persistence configuration. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
An optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling temporal images from registries. |
ui TemporalUISpec |
UI allows configuration of the optional temporal web ui deployed alongside the cluster. |
admintools TemporalAdminToolsSpec |
AdminTools allows configuration of the optional admin tool pod deployed alongside the cluster. |
MTLS allows configuration of the network traffic encryption for the cluster. |
metrics MetricsSpec |
Metrics allows configuration of scraping endpoints for stats. prometheus or m3. |
dynamicConfig DynamicConfigSpec |
DynamicConfig allows advanced configuration for the temporal cluster. |
archival ClusterArchivalSpec |
Archival allows Workflow Execution Event Histories and Visibility data backups for the temporal cluster. |
authorization AuthorizationSpec |
Authorization allows authorization configuration for the temporal cluster. |
(Appears on: TemporalCluster)
TemporalClusterStatus defines the observed state of Cluster.
Field | Description |
version string |
Version holds the current temporal version. |
services []ServiceStatus |
Services holds all services statuses. |
persistence TemporalPersistenceStatus |
Persistence holds all datastores statuses. |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions represent the latest available observations of the Cluster state. |
A TemporalNamespace creates a namespace in the targeted temporal cluster.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec TemporalNamespaceSpec |
status TemporalNamespaceStatus |
(Appears on: TemporalNamespaceSpec)
TemporalNamespaceArchivalSpec is a per-namespace archival configuration override.
Field | Description |
history ArchivalSpec |
History is the config for this namespace history archival. |
visibility ArchivalSpec |
Visibility is the config for this namespace visibility archival. |
(Appears on: TemporalNamespace)
TemporalNamespaceSpec defines the desired state of Namespace.
Field | Description |
clusterRef ObjectReference |
Reference to the temporal cluster the namespace will be created. |
description string |
Namespace description. |
ownerEmail string |
Namespace owner email. |
retentionPeriod Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
RetentionPeriod to apply on closed workflow executions. |
data map[string]string |
Data is a key-value map for any customized purpose. |
securityToken string |
(Optional) |
isGlobalNamespace bool |
IsGlobalNamespace defines whether the namespace is a global namespace. |
clusters []string |
List of clusters names to which the namespace can fail over. Only applicable if the namespace is a global namespace. |
activeClusterName string |
The name of active Temporal Cluster. Only applicable if the namespace is a global namespace. |
allowDeletion bool |
AllowDeletion makes the controller delete the Temporal namespace if the CRD is deleted. |
archival TemporalNamespaceArchivalSpec |
Archival is a per-namespace archival configuration. If not set, the default cluster configuration is used. |
(Appears on: TemporalNamespace)
TemporalNamespaceStatus defines the observed state of Namespace.
Field | Description |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions represent the latest available observations of the Namespace state. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
TemporalPersistenceSpec contains temporal persistence specifications.
Field | Description |
defaultStore DatastoreSpec |
DefaultStore holds the default datastore specs. |
visibilityStore DatastoreSpec |
VisibilityStore holds the visibility datastore specs. |
secondaryVisibilityStore DatastoreSpec |
SecondaryVisibilityStore holds the secondary visibility datastore specs. Feature only available for clusters >= 1.21.0. |
advancedVisibilityStore DatastoreSpec |
AdvancedVisibilityStore holds the advanced visibility datastore specs. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterStatus)
TemporalPersistenceStatus contains temporal persistence status.
Field | Description |
defaultStore DatastoreStatus |
DefaultStore holds the default datastore status. |
visibilityStore DatastoreStatus |
VisibilityStore holds the visibility datastore status. |
secondaryVisibilityStore DatastoreStatus |
SecondaryVisibilityStore holds the secondary visibility datastore status. |
advancedVisibilityStore DatastoreStatus |
AdvancedVisibilityStore holds the advanced visibility datastore status. |
A TemporalSchedule creates a schedule in the targeted temporal cluster.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec TemporalScheduleSpec |
status TemporalScheduleStatus |
(Appears on: TemporalSchedule)
TemporalScheduleSpec defines the desired state of Schedule.
Field | Description |
namespaceRef ObjectReference |
Reference to the temporal namespace the schedule will be created in. |
schedule Schedule |
memo k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
Memo is optional non-indexed info that will be shown in list workflow. |
searchAttributes k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
SearchAttributes is optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs. The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side. For supported operations on different server versions see Visibility. |
allowDeletion bool |
AllowDeletion makes the controller delete the Temporal schedule if the CRD is deleted. |
(Appears on: TemporalSchedule)
TemporalScheduleStatus defines the observed state of Schedule.
Field | Description |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions represent the latest available observations of the Schedule state. |
(Appears on: TemporalUISpec)
TemporalUIIngressSpec contains all configurations options for the UI ingress.
Field | Description |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations allows custom annotations on the ingress resource. |
ingressClassName string |
IngressClassName is the name of the IngressClass the deployed ingress resource should use. |
hosts []string |
Host is the list of host the ingress should use. |
tls []Kubernetes networking/v1.IngressTLS |
TLS configuration. |
(Appears on: TemporalClusterSpec)
TemporalUISpec defines parameters for the temporal UI within a Temporal cluster deployment.
Field | Description |
enabled bool |
Enabled defines if the operator should deploy the web ui alongside the cluster. |
version string |
Version defines the temporal ui version the instance should run. |
image string |
Image defines the temporal ui docker image the instance should run. |
replicas int32 |
Number of desired replicas for the ui. Default to 1. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Compute Resources required by the ui. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/ |
overrides ServiceSpecOverride |
Overrides adds some overrides to the resources deployed for the ui. |
ingress TemporalUIIngressSpec |
Ingress is an optional ingress configuration for the UI. If lived empty, no ingress configuration will be created and the UI will only by available trough ClusterIP service. |
service ObjectMetaOverride |
Service is an optional service resource configuration for the UI. |
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